Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sourwood Season was Sour Indeed

For all of you patient folks that waited another long year for Sourwood honey, after the failure of the 2008 crop, I have more bad news! There is no Sourwood honey again in 2009. Of course you can always find plenty of honey that is labeled Sourwood but no matter how much you hope and how much you spend, it will not be real Sourwood honey.

Last year the drought made Sourwood almost non-existent and what little was made in a few isolated pockets was quickly sold to friends and co-workers. This year, was full of promise due to all the spring rain and the weather turning dryer and hot as the Sourwood trees began to bloom. The trees did bloom but the blossoms had no nectar. It is believed that the drought last fall was so severe, as to have killed the nectar flow for the summer of 2009.

Instead of extracting gallons of this wonderful honey, I am trying to keep my bees alive by feeding them sugar. They have nothing else to eat at this point. I sure hope next year is better and that I can keep my bees alive until then.

Just you remember, there is much more Sourwood honey sold than is actually produced! Do not let yourself be a victim of a dishonest honey broker. Yes, there is no Sourwood honey this year.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A man's home is his castle...

...even if he lives in a VW bus! I know, I live in Asheville, and if there is one thing that will teach you is you have NEVER seen everything. I am amazed almost daily with some new expression, idea, contraption or invention in and about Asheville.

Last Saturday, I was on my way over to Johnson City Tn when I began to run low on fuel. I stopped at a gas station in Erwin Tn and saw this particular VW bus. It was surrounded by a party of photographers and just gawkers who were laughing and shaking their heads in amazement. The owner came out to drive away just as I was snapping my second photo. He did not seem at all amused by all of the commotion.

I wondered how anyone could come up with such a creation and not expect to attract a little attention. Notice the moat drawbridge door. I guess you just park in the creek and let the door down if you want someone to come aboard. The torch like light fixtures and the stained glass added to the atmosphere, but what really topped it off was the guard tower and complete simulated rock facade. All he needed was a dragon to complete the effect. No doubt he had just come FROM Asheville and probably would end up back there.