Thursday, May 8, 2008

Jack of All Trades

I do lots of things, not sure I do that many well, but I learned from my dad that we can surprise our self if we just give things a try. My dad could truly do almost anything. I catch myself falling into that slot a lot. I will try most anything and I usually can get a pretty fair job done on most things I try.

I have this friend at work that knows I do lots of things. One day he was asking me about a tile project he had priced for his basement. He asked me if I thought the price was fair and I said it was. ...Then I said but we can do it for less than half that price. He sort of looked at me and said you can do tile? I said it is not that hard. I did my dining room a couple of years ago and it worked out great. He asked me to look at it and give him a price. I did and told him a very fair price if he would help me. We did it over the course of a half day Saturday and 4 evenings after work. We had a total of about 10 hours in the project and it turned out great. I created a monster! Now Alfredo has started doing projects and asks me to do all kinds of things he can not do.

Alfredo recently asked me to make a flag frame for a special larger sized flag his wife has and wanted it for Mother's Day. I got it done tonight and it turned out OK, but I wish I had more time to do a better job. But, Hey! I am not a flag frame maker. It is solid oak and it was cut on this property milled by me and my father and dried in a pile here too. I planed and sawed it and if I do say so myself, it turned out OK. If you think you can do something you probably can and if you think you can not, you are defeated before you start.

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