Friday, May 9, 2008

Pups and Play

I have a Boxer who is still very much a pup and a Jack Russell Terrier that is also young enough to be pupish in nature. Both are a bundle of energy and love to play. I laughed yesterday evening as they played "soccer" with Sierra, Mackenzie and my brother Paul's Doberman. They would run around heading the ball and changing directions. Bismarck, the Doberman, would occasionally break the rules of "soccer" by mouthing the ball and running with it. This irked Tucker, the Jack Russell, to the point he would jump on Bismarck and tear into him chewing and growling. Bismarck would drop the ball like "whut?" They played until an aggressive run with the ball knocked it into the pond and everyone just stood there as if to say, "now look what you have done, now what"? They all wanted the ball, but were not about to go in after it. Dobermans do not swim well. In a few minutes Bryleigh, the boxer and only female, started daring to go in. She had never been swimming before, but really wanted the ball. In a moment, she was in over her head and swimming out to the ball. She headed it back to the shore as she paddled like an Olympic swimmer. In a short time, the ball was back and it was game on again! I love a good laugh at the simple pleasures of life. The girls only caught one fish then soccer broke out.

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